Saturday, June 25, 2016

Hello Friends, I hope you are having a good day today. Having Lyme is a roller coaster ride of ups and downs and a good day is surely a blessing, indeed! As far as an update goes, I am doing very well and still improving. In fact, I don't really think I ever knew what good health was before rife therapy. Before I crashed with Lyme, I lived with minor fatigue and gastro-intestinal 'sensitivity.' I guess one thinks it is normal if they know no other 'normal'. I grew up in a tick infested part of the Northeast, with blueberry patches in our backyard and I had multiple tick exposures as a kid. I'm quite sure that I was infected on some level and that when I was bit as an adult, it just sent my bacterial count into overload, thus resulting in what seemed like an overnight crash. Enough about me. I want to address some technical aspects of rifing. This advice is purely my own, based on my experience and the experience of others I have seen recover. If you disagree, that is your right and I will not be defending my position with anyone as my time is better spent on other things (i.e I wont' answer your email, if you are so inclined to argue in writng). I rest on the laurels of having it work for me (and countless others who have also recovered full health). I understand that different people have different methods of rifing and I don't suggest that their methods won't work to reduce one's overall bacterial load. However, I just think that along with everything else in life, there are some approaches that are simply more efficient and more effective- in this case more effective in completely eradicating Lyme disease and co-infections....and this is a tall order, indeed! #1. Running more frequencies less often (20-60 frequencies every 5-7 days) is a far superior approach than running fewer frequencies more often (1-19 every 1-3 days). Why? Beating Lyme is a race against time. The goal is to reduce one's bacterial load as fast as possible, especially in the beginning. This is because Lyme multiplies (every 3-4 weeks) and so do the co-infections (some very often). One needs to get ahead of the disease process before it is too late. Too late means getting an MS or Parkison's diagnosis...or being so debilitated that a full recovery is near impossible. By running many numbers, you can hit more bugs and reduce your overall bug count faster. It is imperative to cast a very wide net and kill as many bugs as possible in order to bring down your bug load and get ahead of this thing. Unfortunately, rifing is not an exact science (due to lack of acceptance in the medical community and lack of funding for research) so you can't be assured that frequency 432 (for example) will kill all the Lyme; it won't! There are many strains and many frequencies for Lyme that you must run. The goal is to hit it from all angles...that is why it takes so long to [fully] recover using rife therapy. #2. Running more frequencies on lower power (at least 2pm on the GB dial, with amp on) is far better than running fewer on greater power (MOPA power levels or highest levels on amp). Why? Think of an ant mound. Let's say your goal is to kill the ants (and you lack chemical power), and all you can choose from is a hammer or a fly swatter, what would you choose? The hammer is more powerful and will assure that everything underneath its blow gets killed. However, a flyswatter has greater surface area so although some ants will just get stunned by the blow, you actually will kill more ants because more are hit with it! You must work your way up to higher power levels and this is solely because you need to kill more bugs, especially at first! So you ask, "Why not run 60+ frequencies at very high power?" Well- you will, in time...but you must work your way up to months and perhaps years. You must aim to have a productive herx, yet AVOID ending up in the ER with a killer herx from too much power and too much time!!! I hope this information is helpful to you. My intention is to share information for the benefit of the greater good. I will post more tips in the future, as questions and conversations come up with my people. Be well! -RD