Friday, November 11, 2016

supplements and detox support

Hello all: It is November 2016 and I just keep getting better! I am still rifing each week, but no longer herx much at all. I think I will increase my time to 4 hours to see if I can get a reaction. I have zero symptoms and I'm happy to report that I'm back to a 100% healthy and normal life, without restrictions or modifications. As always, I try to share the information that I give to individuals so that all may benefit. Here is what I wrote to someone today about supplementation. My thoughts and prayers are with all those who are suffering with Lyme and Co-infections. Please be well and stay on the path to wellness! (Please excuse the narrative format of the lists. I cannot figure out how to make a bulleted list on Blogger.)
DAILY SUPPLEMENTS (once a day unless otherwise indicated): multi-mineral/multi-vitamin (I like Dr. Tobias Vitality brand), Vitamin C gummies (huge bottle)- chew on several 3 times a day, chlorella- only an organic brand!!! (I like Foodtopia brand)- 3 pills, work up to 5 pills three times a day, L-Glutamine (take more often than once for headaches, as they arise), Alpha Lipoic Acid- liver support, NKCell Activator by Life Extension- to increase your killer cell count (a sub set of white blood cells), Beta Glucan (immune system support), CoQ10 (heart function support), flaxseed oil or organic Omega 3 (non organic will have mercury contamination), Curcumin (I like bio-enteric Simply Pure Natual Physician brand) to thin blood. Lyme makes our blood thick as a survival mechanism, Magnesium Oil- gets sprayed many times a day (if you get itchy- you are depleted! You won't itch if you have enough that day), JCROW Lugol's idodine 2% (2 drops in water daily), liquid glutathione (5 drops in the water daily) I like LIPCEUTICAL brand, probiotics to reflourish your gut with good bacteria, Wobenzyms (3, 3 times a day, taken on empty stomach to dissolve biofilms).
DETOX SUPPLIES (to use to help clear the resulting die off induced herxes): magnesium salt for detox baths. Each bath needs 2-5 lbs of salt. Luckily this is cheap., hydrogen peroxide- Each bath needs a half cup of this., fresh lemons- you drink pure water with fresh lemon juice all day long, charcoal tabs- you take these to absorb the toxins faster- take on empty stomach- not daily, but as needed, "oxy" pills to poop- Lyme makes us constipated and charcoal does too. We MUST poop 1-2 times a day or the die off will sit in the colon, making you feel sicker!, organic coffee enemas-Either pay for monthly colonics or do weekly enemas yourself. The colon is totally messed up from Lyme and cannot function properly and it is overloaded with extra toxins which reabsorbed if they don't flush out!!, a bouncy ball to bounce on daily- to move lymph system. You must walk daily too to get it to flush out from head to toe.
Of course the most important thing to buy is a decent machine. The machine is your gun in this war. The supplements support your body and the detox supplies help your body to clear the dead debris and neurotoxins that flood your system from killing the pathogens each week.