Thursday, June 8, 2017

More Thoughts on Rife Approaches

Dear Readers, Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. It is because my life has pretty much gone back to normal and I don't think about Lyme all the time like I used to, thus less of a desire to write about it and treatment. However, it is time to check in with you and to share some information that I have recently given to others. On that note, this post is inspired by my new friends T. and J. who are just starting the war against Lyme and co-infections, but are going to win it due to their strength, their machine, and their commitment to the protocol. As always, any thing a reader chooses to do with a rife machine is up to them and if you are using this information to self-treat, you do so at your own risk. So here goes: In a previous blog I provided an analogy for the 2 most popular rife approaches: the flyswatter versus hammer approach. The flyswatter approach, as I write in the blog post, is a more effective way to begin treatment because it is better to run more frequencies in the beginning of treatment- at a lower power level- instead of running individual frequencies at full power- one at a time. This is in order to get a 'wider' kill (a flyswatter has a larger surface area than a hammer). I'm going to explain it again using another analogy- war. So,if you are sick with pathogens and you are fighting then you are in a war against the pathogen army. Unfortunately, if you have chronic Lyme your immune system is no longer a weapon you can count on. Thankfully, if you own a GB4000 and S4 amp, you have a weapon powerful enough to win the war and if you know how to use it effectively and are committed to sticking with a proven protocol, you can beat this thing. The bugs are dumb and you are smart. The only thing going for them is the Lyme has disabled your immune system, leaving you to fight it alone AND the real fact that they are multiplying all the time, making the disease progress further and your symptoms worsen. The way to win the war is to chip away at their numbers each week in order to bring the pathogen load down faster than they can multiply! Therefore, it is more important in the beginning to kill as many bugs possible with each run- even if it means sacrificing power level and knowing you have a direct hit on a particular kind of bug (i.e. running one frequency for 3-10 minutes at full power).This is achieved by running multiple frequencies at once through the use of the auto channels listing in your CALF book (came with your machine). Each rife run is a battle in the overall war. The 2-3 dozen battles are with an overwhelming number of soldiers as your enemies. By running many frequencies each time, you can kill many types of bugs and more of them. Albeit, they are the weaker strains (because of the lower power level), that's just fine because it is a numbers game in the beginning. You will go after the resilient strains towards the end of treatment by running only 1 frequency at a time, at increasing power levels. So for example, instead of running individual Lyme frequency 432 for 3 minutes at full power, you might get the same amount of herxing, yet achieve a bigger kill, by running the first 3 groups of auto channel 466 at lower power. Each will give you about the same amount of herx, but the later approach kills more bugs. The 15 minutes of treatment using auto channels versus 3 minutes of a single frequency exposes your body to many frequencies instead of just 1! It is OK if is not all the frequencies in the auto channel are not a direct hit on Lyme. If you have Lyme, you likely have some or all of these too: Bart, Babs, Mycoplasma, EBV, herpes, CPN, etc. I can't tell you where to start in terms of power level as everyone is totally different. I suggest aiming for a medium level herx. If you can go out and do normal activities the herx is too mild. If you are worried about dying, in excruciating pain, and ready to go to the hospital the herx is too strong. Don't overdo it! Aim for in-between these extremes. So each battle in the beginning is about hitting as many enemies as possible, bringing down your over all bug load. Don't be distracted by what you may believe are the biggest, baddest soldiers, based on what you read on the internet or it's outward effect of your symptoms on others (i.e. Bart rage), distracted to the point of concentrating all your fire power on a few soldiers at a time. If you concentrate your efforts in wiping out one disease at a time in the beginning, the other bugs just multiply and multiply and eventually overwhelm your system. Again, it is a numbers game. Also, there is no way to tell which bugs are the worst enemy. Lyme is certainly enemy #1 because it disables the immune system but it is a mistake to only go after Lyme. Bart and Babs tie for second place and the other bugs I mentioned tie for third place. They all work together to create your myriad of symptoms. So in summary, by running auto channels for a longer period of time, you are killing more pathogens. The approach is to hit as many enemies as possible with the auto channels. When you can run at least 3 Gs (groups) of an auto channel without a terrible herx, then you can add in another 5 minutes (same power level). Only now, you can make that extra 5 minutes a single frequency (i.e 432 for Lyme)! I would suggest starting with Bart as it multiplies fast. This example has a total run time of 20 minutes. Do this each week until you can handle more and then add in 1 Group at a time (5 minutes at a time)...moving to 20 minutes. When that no longer yields a productive herx, then go for 25 minutes, then 30 minutes. After 30 minutes becomes manageable, it is time to 'climb' the dial. So if you are at 11 am on the dial (power level) for 30 minutes and herxes are now mild, move the power up to 12 noon and scale back treatment time (temporarily) to 20 minutes...15 minutes of an auto channel plus 5 minutes of a single frequency. Then start to increase the treatment time again, at this new power level. Once you reach 2pm on dial for 30 minutes, it is time to celebrate! This is a big milestone as 2pm power is where all the magic happens. Now you can start to increase your time- all the way up to 1.5 hours. This might look like a full 30 minute (6 G) auto channel followed by another full 30 minute auto channel, following by running 6 individual frequencies, each for 5 minutes at a time. Only when you can do all this and the herx is mild, should you move up to 3pm on the dial. You will kill plenty at power levels 2 and 3; no need to rush to full power! The theory is the same; better to do longer runs at a lower power to get a wider kill. This is an effective battle strategy and it has been proven to work on many very sick people all over the world. It might work for you too! Good luck and hang in there!